Sewer Cleaning Service Lakeland

Septic tanks are a great solution for remote or urban property owners who either cannot or do not want to be part of a municipal sewage system. A septic system is connected directly to the pipes of the residence or business and serves as an immediate filter and containment unit for water-bound domestic waste. There are certain risks related to the installation and maintenance of a septic tank; such risks have resulted in rules that need to be followed to protect the environment and property especially with the regular removal of the contents of the tank by a vacuum truck.


Depending on the size of the unit and the household, a tank must be emptied every three to five years. This is necessary not only because of space limitations but also because the tank needs to be inspected with some regularity to check for cracks, leaks and blockages. Other reasons are as follows:

    • Emergencies – Pumping can also become necessary in cases of emergency. Sewage backup and drain clogging may occur due to blockages which need to be cleared immediately to keep the problem from escalating. Flooding can cause similar problems.


    • Precautionary Measure – Emptying the primary container can also be a precautionary measure when there are many household members; parties with many guests; or other circumstances where many people would be using the toilets.


    • Odors – Sometimes tanks are suctioned due to permeating sewer odors escaping from the system as that could be a symptom of leaking gas needing to be repaired separately. Evidence of septic failure must be attended to immediately by a professional repair company.


  • Selling Property – It is also customary to pump out the septic system before selling property.

Septic tanks serve a very useful purpose for many households. As long as properly maintained by regular pumping, cleaning and inspections, they should correctly function under all conditions and for a long service life. Hopefully this information will be helpful in knowing how a septic tank is cleaned!

Follow these safety tips given below when inspecting your septic system:

1. Septic tank lid
Make sure that the access port of your tank is covered with a solid lid. Make sure that the lid is strong enough. Kids should not be able to open it. If you have no idea as to how to install the system, you can call a professional for help. The company will be more than happy to help with the inspection.

2. The tank opening
You should never lean over the septic tank opening. The reason is that the gasses that come out of the tank may knock you out. You may also fall in the tank, which may prove fatal.

3. Driving Over The septic system
Driving heavy machine on the ground where the tank system is buried is not a good idea. Actually, you may have to bear heavy costs in order to get the broken pipes repaired. So, make sure you don’t drive heavy equipment or machinery on the ground where you buried the tank system.

Contact Info:
Name: Billy Fowler
Organization: ASAP Advanced Septic & Drainage, Inc.
Address: 5011 E Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL 33617
Phone: (813) 986-6070

Septic System Cost - List of Average Septic Costs and Explanation of Each

Sewage Tank

Septic systems fulfill a crucial function for many homes and businesses, especially in rural areas, though many people are clueless as to how they work. While septic tanks are usually low-maintenance systems, they can become extremely tricky and expensive if something goes wrong. A basic knowledge is important to anyone wishing to avoid future problems with their septic tanks.

What is a septic system?

Septic systems are small-scale sewage treatment systems that are used in areas not connected to a sewage system operated by the government or a private company. They are often used by homes and farms in rural areas where it is too costly to connect to faraway sewage mains. Septic systems work by pumping wastewater from bathrooms, kitchens and laundry facilities into effluent tanks, which process the waste and then disperse it onto a septic drain field.

What is a septic tank?

What happens to waste that doesn't decompose?

Some of the contents of the effluent tank will not decompose; therefore it is important to empty the tank occasionally. If tanks are not pumped the septic tank can fill with undecomposed substances that will be pumped into the drainage field. This can result in environmental problems as well as expensive repairs. How often the tank needs to be pumped clean varies depending on its size, the number of people using it and the outside temperature. Because there are so many variables, there is no rule of thumb for how often the tanks should be pumped: some need it every few years while other can go between 10 and 20 years without pumping. Have a professional inspect your tank to let you know when it needs to be pumped.


How To Properly Clean Your Septic Tank

Sewage Tank Pumping Service

A septic system works as a mini sewage treatment facility mostly built on homes located on areas wherein access to local sewage system is quite difficult. While most are built to last a lifetime, improper septic tank maintenance can lead to damage and early malfunction of the septic system. Thus important points must be remembered in order to keep an effective septic tank system.

The following are the most important points in proper care.

Controlling water input

Water input may seem to have no effect in everyday use, however too much water going down the tank may cause major problems. Overloading the tank with water may slow down the anaerobic digestion process in the system that makes effective. Overflows on the drain field or seepage field may happen that may include floating scum other than the liquids inside the tank that may further cause health and environmental problems.

Periodic septic tank inspection

While this may only be necessary every several years,it is important nevertheless to avoid abrupt problems occurring to the system. Depending on the capacity of the tank, periodic maintenance procedures must include inspection of the overall septic tank system. It should include checking levels of accumulated solids, floating scum and the water being discharge by the system to the drain field.

Understanding the above items and applying them in everyday use may lead to more effective septic tank. Proper septic tank care may not seem important to most home owners since its functions are well hidden in the household, however if willfully neglected may lead the owner to suffer costly repairs, as well as health and environmental issues.

5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Running Clean

Sewage Tank

Now that you have chosen to maintain your septic system you are faced with a few question; how will you do it? Where will you start? How much money is it going to cost? Etc. Once you learn more about septic maintenance the more you will realize that choosing to maintain your septic system is a great decision that may potentially save you from terrible odors, clogging, and even more costly repairs.Your septic tank is container that relies on 2 things to work properly: gravity and bacteria. Gravity causes the waste to separate and settle in layers. Bacteria decomposes the waste.. Your septic tank is underground so you never know when you are going to have a problem. Using a septic treatment that contains bacteria and enzymes that boost the bacteria growth is the best and most reliable way to maintain your system.

The best way to maintain your septic system is to monitor what goes into your tank and make sure to replenish the good bacteria in your tank.. Avoid harsh cleaners, anti-bacterial cleaners and soaps, and any items that are not organic. Because these items harm the good bacteria in your septic tank, it is important to use a septic maintenance product that contains bacteria and enzymes to replace and replenish those bacteria. Doing both of these things will make septic maintenance easy and affordable.

Septic Tank Installation, Repair and Replacement

Septic Pumping

You know that keeping your septic system running clean is of the utmost importance. If you do not then you could have a very large, very expensive mess on your hands. The good news is that with a few tips, it becomes much easier.

Be Careful What You Flush

Not everything is meant to be flushed down the toilet. Tampons, paper towels, facial tissues, disposable diapers, and other such products are detrimental to the functioning of your septic system. They can clog up the whole process very quickly leaving you with a mess.

Be Careful With Cleaners

Heavy duty chemical cleaners can affect your whole septic system. They can actually kill off the bacteria in your tank which means that it will take longer for solids to be broken down, and there will be a greater chance of waste backing up.

Keeping your septic system running clean is not a glamorous topic, but it is one that will be a whole lot less glamorous if you do not do it. Waste backing up into your home and onto your property is a clear incentive to follow these tips to a clean running septic system. Follow these tips and enjoy the benefit of everything working as it should.

So, these are a few precautions that you may want to take if you are going to work on a septic tank system. This is important should you want to keep you and your family safe around the system. When in doubt, it’s a good idea to call a local septic service in Lakeland . Hopefully, these tips will help.


Improper maintenance of your safety tank could jeopardize the safety of your health, finances and of course the environment. Leaks, blockage and sludge build-up in the tank could contaminate the groundwater, soil and the even the nearby water bodies. Following the following septic tank maintenance tips will help keep your tank in good shape.Make Sure To Protect The Tank And The Drain FieldSafeguarding your tank from any physical damage would ensure the longevity of your septic tank. Never plant anything other than grass around your septic system. This is because the tree roots are capable of damaging the system. It is also suggested that you don't operate any heavy machinery near the tank or build a shed or structure above the system.Keep rainwater away from the drain fieldA soggy drain field leads to improper neutralization and absorption of liquid waste. Therefore go for roof gutters, landscaping and foundation drains to divert all the extra water from the septic drain field.Go For Regular MaintenanceThe solids in your septic system need to be pumped out from time to time. Ideally you need to pump your septic tank every three to five years to ensure its longevity. It needs to me mentioned that you should never attempt to open your septic system on your own since it contains poisonous gases and bacteria.

Polk County Sewage Tank Pumping
