Septic Tank Company Tampa
Whether you need to design and install a drain field, repair an existing one, replace an old drain field, or do drain field maintenance, call the experts at ASAP Advanced Septic and Drainage here in Tampa.
We provide quality septic system design, installation, repair, and maintenance.
Contact Info:
Name: Billy Fowler
Organization: ASAP Advanced Septic & Drainage, Inc.
Address: 5011 E Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL 33617
Phone: (813) 986-6070
Septic Service Areas
We perform both commercial and residential septic system service in and around Hillsborough County, Polk County and Pasco County FL.
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Local septic tank system cleaning in Tampa, FL. Compare expert Septic Tank System Cleaning and get a free quote. Septic Tank and Well Services Directory for Tampa, Florida. Find Customer-Rated, Prescreened Home Improvement Professionals for Tampa, FL. All Septic Tank and Well Services are rated by previous customers are prescreened.
Failing Drain Field?
ASAP Advanced Septic & Drainage has been servicing septic tanks in Central Florida for 40 years. We are a 3rd generation septic tank service contractors with over 40 years experience. We seek out the latest innovations in the septic tank industry and are well educated in soil science to give our customers the best system for their dollar and location. The individual that arrives to give you a free estimate will be available throughout your new septic tank installation or system repair.
How Septic Tanks Work
If you are in need of servicing on a regular basis, we are able to setup a septic tank service agreement with you. We also provide drain field repair services. All of our jobs are done in complete compliance with Chapter 64-E of the Florida Statute for standards for installation and repair of onsite septic tank systems.
Septic Tank & Well Services in Tampa, FL
ASAP would like to provide the support that is needed in select the absolute best system for your septic tank system project in Tampa. Please feel free to contact us to receive additional information, or to schedule an appointment so we can give you a presentation.
Septic tank systems become clogged with roots in the leach lines, leach field, drain field or seepage field, causing backup of wastewater into the house. The inexpensive fix is to use copper sulfate through an installed cleanout or septic field pump. Septic tank systems do not last forever and replacing one is a very expensive proposition. If your house is connected to the city sewer system, then you do not have a septic tank. A septic tank can be described as your very own little sewage treatment plant. There are three basic elements of a septic system: Eventually leach fields become clogged because the roots from trees and other vegetation are attracted to the nutrient-rich effluent. The roots grow through the pores intended to drain the liquid, seepage gradually slows or stops. If sufficient pressure cannot be released through the pores of the leach field, the entire septic system cannot accept any more waste water and it backs up in the house, usually at a low point such as a shower or tub drain. If it gets that bad, you may have to replace the entire leach field. In many localities, that will require a building permit and meeting current building codes, which means replacing the entire septic system, which is expensive, etc. Since this is obviously something to avoid, you can often extend the life of the old system by taking action when sewage flow has slowed, but not completely stopped. Copper sulfate kills roots. If it can be placed into the system so that it will flow through the leach field, the roots will die (but not the plants) and waste water will begin to flow more freely again after a few weeks. In many systems, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, because copper sulfate is so heavy that it will settle to the bottom of the septic tank unless inserted into the leach line leading from the tank. If you have a cleanout or other access there, you’re all set, but many residential systems do not. I prefer the crystal form over the powder because it's easier to handle, cheaper and dissolves more slowly, . If necessary, it is not very expensive to have a cleanout installed in the leach line expressly for the purpose of adding copper sulfate periodically. If that still doesn’t quite work, or if you want to be sure the stuff is going to flow more quickly, you can pump it through the leach field. It is possible to install a pump on the leach line cleanout between the septic tank and the leach field. It can be buried below ground level or installed above ground and concealed with landscape bushes. The pump turns on and off automatically to maintain a slight pressure on the waste water, pushing it through the pores of the seepage field. Adding copper sulfate at intervals through a cleanout at this point is effective to drive the chemical towards the offending roots. Killing the roots may extend the life of the septic system a few years, but it will ultimately need to be replaced with a completely modern one—unless you can successfully lobby for a neighborhood hook-up, of course.Septic tank systems
A clogged leach field
Kill roots with copper sulfate
Install a leach line cleanout
Septic Tank Pumping Tampa, Florida
We at ASAP Advanced Septic, Inc., know that it is crucial to give the proper support needed to the homeowners, business owners, general contractors, developer projects, and government agencies.
Call us today to take care of your Septic Tank Service needs!
For every homeowner, maintaining a septic system that includes the septic tank is a very important task that will ensure the system stays running efficiently for many years. A home's septic tank is dependent on natural bacteria and enzymes to break down and digest waste and keep everything flowing through the system. Without the bacteria additives and enzymes, waste would build up in the tank and eventually create a blockage. The result can be septic system back up in the plumbing system which can spill in the basement and even the drain field. This would result in a very costly repair bill. In order to keep the bacterial from being killed, it is important not to put chemicals in the plumbing system that can kill the bacteria. One item that people use and pour into the plumbing system is vinegar. Many harsh chemical cleaners can harm a septic system and some can kill the bacteria additives and enzymes in the septic tank. Using vinegar is one way to avoid using harsh chemicals and the bacteria will not be killed so you do not have to worry about damaging your septic system. Because vinegar is a pungent acid, you should wear protective gloves, especially if you have any scratches. As well, make sure you do not splash any vinegar in eyes. Most experts recommend using vinegar in septic system maintenance because it will not ruin the septic system.
Septic Tank Service in Tampa, Florida
Where your waste goes after it gets flushed down the toilet isn't something that many of us think about very often, nor should it be. Thanks to technological advances in the last century, plumbing and public sanitation has become much more convenient, hygienic and precise. The vast majority of those of us who live in metropolitan areas have our home sewer lines tapped into the city sewer mains, which means that our waste travels to a public treatment plant to be processed. For homes and businesses that cannot tap into public sewer lines, however, using a septic tank is an option that provides similar results in a different manner. They are large holding tanks for sewage, almost always located below ground. They are usually constructed of plastic, and are often able to contain many weeks worth of waste. A septic tank can generally allow for the permanent disposal of waste in one of three ways: by being pumped out on a regular basis, by having bacteria or chemicals applied that eats away the waste naturally, or be allowing the waste to be dispersed naturally into the ground through a leech field. In all of these cases, septic tanks usually require less maintenance than you would think after the initial installation is complete. If you think that you might need to have a tank system installed at a home, business or constructions site, make sure that you research local contractors to see who offers the best prices and service. Thanks to modern technology, you shouldn't notice any discernible difference between being attached to a public sewer system and using a septic tank.
Tampa Septic Tank Companies
Septic systems fulfill a crucial function for many homes and businesses, especially in rural areas, though many people are clueless as to how they work. While septic tanks are usually low-maintenance systems, they can become extremely tricky and expensive if something goes wrong. A basic knowledge is important to anyone wishing to avoid future problems with their septic tanks. What is a septic system? Septic systems are small-scale sewage treatment systems that are used in areas not connected to a sewage system operated by the government or a private company. They are often used by homes and farms in rural areas where it is too costly to connect to faraway sewage mains. Septic systems work by pumping wastewater from bathrooms, kitchens and laundry facilities into effluent tanks, which process the waste and then disperse it onto a septic drain field. What is a septic tank? What happens to waste that doesn't decompose? Some of the contents of the effluent tank will not decompose; therefore it is important to empty the tank occasionally. If tanks are not pumped the septic tank can fill with undecomposed substances that will be pumped into the drainage field. This can result in environmental problems as well as expensive repairs. How often the tank needs to be pumped clean varies depending on its size, the number of people using it and the outside temperature. Because there are so many variables, there is no rule of thumb for how often the tanks should be pumped: some need it every few years while other can go between 10 and 20 years without pumping. Have a professional inspect your tank to let you know when it needs to be pumped.
Tampa, FL Septic Tank System Cleaning
Do you know people who have had to spend thousands of dollars for the repair or replacement of their septic systems? How about the expense of cleaning up or repairing the house and yard from damage caused by septic backup? Septic system backups create unhealthy and very unpleasant smelling conditions on your property, both inside the house as well as outside the house. If you have a septic system on your property, septic tank pumping should be a very high priority and concern. All septic tanks need to be pumped out (emptied) and the system inspected periodically. How often should you have your system pumped and inspected? Most septic service companies in Molalla recommend septic tank pumping is done every 3 to 5 years, depending on several variables. Those variables are septic tank size, number of people in the household and the amount of water going into the system. Having your septic system inspected can save money in costly repairs or replacement. Your local septic service company can inspect the valves, drain field, water inlet and outlets and the general condition of your tank to catch problems before they become a costly repair. Most septic tank pumping and service companies in Molalla will be able to make the repairs or replacements. Your local septic service company can also recommend additives to your tank to help control the sludge and scum that can be part of that expensive septic system failure that you want to avoid.
Septic Tank Service Tampa and surrounding Hillsborough County
Septic Tank Company Tampa